Never Too Late

One of my daughter’s-in-law gifted me Julia Cameron’s book It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again for Father’s Day. For some reason people close to me are always trying to get me to change. They never give me a book titled How to Remain Exactly the Same. But I was intrigued by the possibility of testing the bold Never too Late words against my age of 73. I do not have much time to waste so I skimmed ahead looking for quick answers. In Week 6 of her program, Cameron identifies “a lack of humility” as “the biggest block to creativity.” This was discouraging because I thought plenty of extremely creative people lacked humility. Many creative geniuses are very humble but I thought room existed for us who lack humility. The words “biggest block to creativity” are very strong. Fortunately, I am halfway there with a well developed false humility. Still I should probably have pursued paths that do not emphasize humility. Maybe politics or telemarketing. Apparently the ego wants us to be an expert so freezes us from pursuing new interests. Humility grants us the courage to take a first small step. Memoir writing, Morning Pages (stream of consciousness daily writing), Artist Dates, and Solo Walks are tools recommended by Cameron and Emma Lively. Those things do sound cool, so I am getting sucked into the premise. Disclaimer: I receive no compensation for anything I say on my Blog because no one offers. However, I do get threatened with restraining orders. Readers I know personally have asked to be removed from posts. At least I think that is what is meant by: “I’m coming over and pounding you to a pulp if I see my name again.”

19 thoughts on “Never Too Late

  1. “halfway there with a well developed false humility”. LOL. That’s so funny. Sometimes the line between being polite and being humble is quite blurred.


  2. I have often been accused of being an a-hole, because I have a bullshit threshold lower than a snake in a deep wagon rut. That often equates to low humility by some. However, after a lifetime of dealing with artist relations I am highly aware of my comparitive shortcomings. My simple wish is that more people would become enlightened in the same way… so I didn’t have to be such an a-hole!

    Nice post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s a pretty bold statement, “biggest block to creativity.” Some people are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them and it’s clear which level of greatness you are.

    Liked by 2 people

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